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Article: Intensification of economic relationships in the South Caucasus: Review of the corporate trip

Intensivierung wirtschaftlicher Beziehungen im Südkaukasus: Rückblick auf die Unternehmensreise

Intensification of economic relationships in the South Caucasus: Review of the corporate trip

A full program for the participants of our corporate trip, which takes us to the South Caucasus this week.

While the focus at the beginning of the week was on Armenia and its economic opportunities, the meetings on Wednesday and today focused on establishing and expanding contacts with Georgian companies, ministries, and institutions. Our daily program included, among others:

  • A briefing with the German Business Association in Georgia.
  • Company visits, including a basalt fiber factory and one of the country's largest beverage producers
  • An appointment at the Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Another cooperation exchange with more than 30 B2B meetings
  • Individual company tours depending on industry and interests.

First conclusion: For Thuringian companies, it is worthwhile to take a look at and intensify economic relations in the South Caucasus.



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